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    What is He Doing?

    What is He doing? I can imagine these words rolling through the disciples’ minds when He told them to make the 5,000-plus people sit down in groups. For what? There wasn’t enough food for the disciples, let alone for all those people. Someone mentioned a little boy had a lunch of 5 little loaves of bread and 2 small fish,…

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    It’s Not A Prank

    Packaging. Sometimes, it’s the packaging of a product that draws your attention to the product. You might not need the product, but the packaging was so impressive that it drew your eye to the item. The placement of the item in the store also drew your eye – it was designed to bring you in, make you pause, look, and…

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    So What if There Are Giants – Final

    Don’t let others do the work God sent you to do. If you forfeit the work, you’re handing the job over to someone else. God didn’t make a mistake by tasking you with the job, but should you choose not to do it, God will make sure His work gets done by someone who is willing!! The story of Mordecai…

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    So What if There Are Giants- Part 2

    You are supposed to be there- in that environment mixed with blessings and opposition, aka giants. You are equipped to not just see/taste what the future holds but to also get an understanding of the opposition you will have to face.  What you believe matters in this season because you can derail your opportunity or embrace the fact that God designed…

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    So What if There Are Giants

    The ten spies sped past the good news about the fruit and the land, but they landed hard on those giants. They were – ugh, GIANTS. They couldn’t see anything else – not the land’s bounty, the fruit they brought back, not the fact that God was currently providing manna and quails, the pillar of fire at night and cloud…

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    What Do You Believe?

    Joshua and Caleb were the only men out of the 12 spies Moses sent to return with iron-clad conviction that God had given the Israelites the land.  So what if the giants, called the Anakins, occupied the land?  Joshua and Caleb believed God positioned Israel to defeat the enemy!  They could taste victory.  Unfortunately, the other ten spies tasted death.  They convinced the masses of…