
Testimony Time Tuesday

Give the Pontoon Away! (as told to me by Sister Debbie Porter, Dayton, OH)

Sister Porter had been physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually abused by her husband during their tumultuous 32 year marriage.  The last beating took her close to death’s door. She knew she had to get away or the next time she would die at his hands. While recovering from the trauma and going through divorce proceedings, Sister Porter also had to find a new place to live as her home in the country was in foreclosure. Sister Porter shares her testimony of God’s provision during this very difficult time.  

I was troubled. I needed to find a new home for me and my twin teenage sons because our house, barn and 3 acres of country bliss, were in foreclosure. 

My daughter had seen a house about three blocks from where my husband lived. I hesitated to take the house. I could feel in my spirit it was in everybody’s mind that I was going to go back to him like I’d done after I divorced him the first time after ten years of an abusive marriage. 

I wanted him to know I wasn’t afraid of him. I had no fear of living there and I felt so secure. God had put me on this different level since the beating. My faith in God was so high even though my troubles were on top of me.

I’d met with the landlord. He wanted first and last month’s rent along with a deposit.  I gave him the deposit, but didn’t have the first and last month’s rent.  I was distraught, but God was at work.

I can see so clearly sitting on my bed contemplating how I was going to be able to do this.  Suddenly, I felt the Lord speak to my heart to give my soon-to-be ex-husband the pontoon that was sitting in our barn!  I complained to the Lord about his directions to me. How is this fair that I have to give up more to him? He took everything he wanted and I’m losing my house because of him.  You know how he is, God. He’s going to keep it and I will be in court trying to make him make restitution!

I was angry over it! But I knew the Lord dropped it in my heart to give him the pontoon. I also knew if I didn’t call him right now, I wouldn’t do it.  So I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I didn’t bother to say hello, but said, “Come and get this pontoon!” I was angry.  “And, I want you to write me a note saying that I gave you the pontoon.”  I felt emotionally and financially stripped. 

“I’m not writing a note, “ he shot back.  When I hung the phone up, the Lord spoke again.  That is not what I told you to do.  But, God, You know how he is! But I picked the phone back up and called him back. “I need a time when you’re coming to get this pontoon.”  

“I’m not giving you a paper for nothing,” he said, annoyed.  “I didn’t ask for a paper but I’m asking for a time.”  For me, I felt like I had to release the pontoon to him because of not being obedient the first time I called him. It felt like I was holding onto a snake and I was determined to let it go!

 He said he would call me back.

He didn’t. But he got up with my daughter to put the pontoon on a busy road with a for sale sign. I didn’t tell him how much to sell it for and had no anticipation of receiving anything.

It sold quickly. He told my daughter to handle it but then told her to give me half of the selling price. It was the exact amount I needed to move into my new home! 

P.S.: After I shared the story with Pastor Robertson, I was talking with my daughter about the pontoon when she added something I didn’t know. She said technically the boat shouldn’t have sold because although there was a title for the boat, there wasn’t one for the motor! The buyer decided to purchase it anyway! Thank you

In the Master’s Service, Author/Pastor Michele D. Robertson

28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV)