
What You Should/Shouldn’t Do?

It’s interesting how there is always someone around willing to tell you what you should/shouldn’t do when it comes to you believing God and walking in faith. The enemy of our souls will make sure to put doubters in your way to dissuade you from holding firmly onto the Word and worth of God’s word.

Examples abound in the scriptures of naysayers working hard to convince others that trusting God is foolish. Stop believing God because they say, “You shouldn’t…”   Sighted people told blind Bartimaues shouldn’t be screaming for Jesus to stop by. A group of unbelieving folk told the man blind from birth he didn’t know what he was talking about when Jesus healed him. Jesus’ disciples told him He shouldn’t go back to town as His enemies were trying to kill him. Even the devil told Jesus he should bow down and worship him. The disciples told Mary she shouldn’t have burst her alabaster box and poured it on Jesus. According to them she should have given her money to the treasury to help out the poor instead. 

Jesus’ disciples said He shouldn’t be talking to the Samaritan woman. The scribes and Pharisees said Jesus shouldn’t be eating with the publicans and sinners.  That Jesus couldn’t be the Christ as they know his family.  Jesus shouldn’t heal on the Sabbath. And the list goes on and on.

So, who’s whispering in your ear/heart telling you that you shouldn’t praise God since you didn’t get what you needed. Or you shouldn’t give in the offering since you don’t have much. Perhaps you shouldn’t bless the Lord at all times at a time like this?  You shouldn’t thank God for what He didn’t do for you.  You shouldn’t fast because what good is that going to do? You shouldn’t trust God now since you trusted Him before and things didn’t work out like you hoped. You shouldn’t forgive them for that! You shouldn’t bless those that persecute you-that’s too crazy. 

You shouldn’t look for healing after 18 years.  Nothing is going to happen. You shouldn’t stand in faith expecting anything to happen now! And if it did, shouldn’t He have come to your rescue sooner? You shouldn’t have to wait so long, go through so much or pray so much.  You shouldn’t wait in expectation for Jesus to return. They’ve been saying Jesus is coming back for hundreds of years. 

Oh, saints of God, but there’s proof that faith in God and His Word works!  Keep holding on to what God told you to do/say/walk in/believe.  Head on over to Hebrews Chapter 11 and walk through the Hall of Faith – people who stood on God’s promises and received miracles, blessings, healings – because of their faith in God.  Yes, there are those near the end of the chapter that didn’t get what they prayed for but still stood firm in their faith that God was/is and will always be worthy! 

Jesus, help us to rest in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

In the Master’s Service,
Author/Pastor Michele D Robertson

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29 (KJV)